Rolling with ADHD for Parents
Module One: Using Praise Effectively

Module One: Using Praise Effectively
Video Index

Your Notes
1. Questions for YOU
What’s something your child does really well?
How do you let them know that you like what they are doing?
How well does that work? (i.e., does it change how often your child does this behaviour?)
3. This Week's 'Fridge Door' Challenge
Choose 1 or 2 behaviours that your child does inconsistently, that you would like to see them do more often… then catch them being good!
Praise those behaviours right away, every time you see them.
You can keep track of your progress using a tracking sheet like this. (Click the image below to download a copy).
4: The ABC Model of Behaviour
During the series we refer to 'The ABC Model'. This refers to the behaviour model we described in the Series Introduction section of the video: a well or poorly chosen consequence (the 'C') will influence future behaviour...(the 'B'). So what is the 'A'? It's the 'antecedent'. Or in other words 'what was going on before the behaviour occurs'.