Rolling with ADHD for Parents
Module Five: Using Incentives Effectively
Using Incentives Effectively
Video Index
Part 1: Practical Strategies
I told my child we could go to Disneyland if they got Bs on their report card. It didn’t work.
We tried using a chart. It worked for a while, but then stopped working.
How long do we have to do this for? It’s exhausting.
But I don't believe in bribing children.
Can I take points away for misbehaviour?
Review Presentation
Your Notes
1. Check In
How well have you been able to apply some of the techniques from last week's 'Ignoring' class into your day-to-day? What impact have they had so far?
2. Questions for YOU
1. Do you ever bribe your kids?
2. Have you ever used a chart system and did it work?
3. How do you get your child to learn and use a new skill (like tidying their toys, making their bed)
4. This Week's 'Fridge Door' Challenge
Choose 1 or 2 behaviours you want to increase with incentives.
Use a tracking sheet like the example below to set up a reward menu with your child, and to track the behaviours.
Remember to set a day for your child to “cash in” on their reward and stick with it!
Click the image to download a blank version.